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Developing Draupnir - tests, tools, and environment

This document is a part of our contributing documentation and describes how to setup a development environment that we to develop Draupnir. If you already have your own workflow for typescript projects, you should still read this document to spot any caveats that might require you to adapt for our recommendations.


While not necessary, some changes will require you to make changes to the matrix-protection-suite and the associated backend for the matrix-bot-sdk: matrix-protection-suite-for-matrix-bot-sdk.

You should clone these locally and then link them by using yarn link in each directory followed by yarn link matirx-protection-suite matrix-protection-suite-for-matrix-bot-sdk within Draupnir.

You may also need to yarn add --dev "matrix-bot-sdk@npm:@vector-im/matrix-bot-sdk@^0.6.6-element.1" within the matrix-protection-suite-for-matrix-bot-sdk directory to ensure that that the local copy is using the same version as Draupnir. I don't understand why yarn will not respect overrides for linked dependencies.


You will also want to edit your settings.json to match something like this, so that you can debug into MPS while debugging Draupnir.

    "debug.javascript.terminalOptions": {
"runtimeArgs": ["--preserve-symlinks"],
"sourceMaps": true,
"outFiles": [


WARNING: mx-tester is currently work in progress, but it can still save you some time and is better than struggling with nothing.

For integration testing, and spinning up a local synapse we use mx-tester. While not required for basic changes, it is strongly recommended to use mx-tester or have the ability to spin up your own development Synapse to develop mjolnir interactively.

To install mx-tester you will need the rust toolchain and Docker. You should refer to your linux distribution's documentation for installing both, and do not naively follow the instructions from without doing so first. Then you will be able to install mx-tester with cargo install mx-tester. Updating mx-tester can be done by installing cargo install cargo-update and using cargo install-update mx-tester, though you may skip this step until it is necessary to update mx-tester.


You can then start a local synapse using mx-tester build, followed by mx-tester up. You can then use up, down as many times as you like. If for some reason you need to get a clean Synapse database, you can just use mx-tester down build.

Development and testing with mx-tester

If you have docker installed you can quickly get setup with a development environment by using mx-tester.

To use mx-tester you will need to have rust installed. You can do that at rustup or here, you should probably also check your distro's documentation first to see if they have specific instructions for installing rust.

Once rust is installed you can install mx-tester like so.

$ cargo install mx-tester

Once you have mx-tester installed you we will want to build a synapse image with synapse_antispam from the Draupnir project root.

$ mx-tester build

Then we can start a container that uses that image and the config in mx-tester.yml.

$ mx-tester up

Once you have called mx-tester up you can run the integration tests.

$ yarn test:integration

After calling mx-tester up, if we want to play with mojlnir locally we can run the following and then point a matrix client to http://localhost:9999. You should then be able to join the management room at #moderators:localhost:9999.

yarn test:manual

Once we are finished developing we can stop the synapse container.

mx-tester down


For debugging mx-tester it is recommended to use Visual Studio Code. If you open the project in visual studio code, press F1, type Debug: JavaScript Debug Terminal (see the documentation), and you should get a terminal from which node will always connect to Visual Studio Code.

The following sections assume that a Synapse is running and config/harness.yaml has been configured to connect to it. If you are using mx-tester and you use mx-tester up, this will already be the case.

Debugging and reproducing an issue

If you need to debug an issue that is occurring through use in matrix, say the unban command has stopped working, you can launch mjolnir from the JavaScript Debug Terminal using yarn test:manual. This will launch mjolnir using the config found in config/harness.yaml. You can now open, change the server to localhost:8081, and then create an account. From here you can join the room #moderators:localhost:9999 (you will also be able to find it in the rooms directory) and interact with mjolnir.

It is recommended to set breakpoints in the editor while interacting and switch the tab to "DEBUG CONSOLE" (within Visual Studio Code) to evaluate arbitrary expressions in the currently paused context (when a breakpoint has been hit).

Running integration tests

The integration tests can be run with yarn test:integration. The config that the tests use is in config/harness.yaml and by default this is configured to work with the server specified in mx-tester.yml, but you can configure it however you like to run against your own setup.

Debugging an integration test

To debug the integration test suite from the JavaScript Debug Terminal, you can start them using yarn test:integration. However, more often than not there is a specific section of code you will be working on that has specific tests. Running the entire suite is therefore unnecessary. To run a specific test from the JavaScript Debug Terminal, you can use the script yarn test:integration:single test/integration/banListTest.ts, where test/integration/banListTest.ts is the name of the integration test you want to run.