Room Takedown Protection
You need to be using Draupnir v2.3.0 or above to use this protection
You also need to follow the instructions for adding the synapse-http-antispam module.
The room takedown protection matches policies from Draupnir's watched lists against the rooms your homeserver is joined to.
This protection is useful when you are administrating a server with open registration and need to protect yourself and your users from two scenarios:
Spam invitations targetting your local users that have already been sent and need to be rejected automatically.
Preventing local users from joining rooms with intolerable or illegal content, and removing these rooms if they are detected on the homeserver.
If the protection discovers a room is marked with the takedown
recommendation, then the protection will instruct your homeserver to
shutdown the room. This will force all local participants to leave the
room, purge the history from your database, and block the room.
Room Discovery
The protection provides a means of oversight into the rooms your homeserver is participating within. When a room is discovered no your homeserver, a notification is sent to a configured room with details about the room: the title, description, creator, and member count.
The protection includes a threshold
that must be met before
displaying the notification. By default, a room needs to have 20
members before its details will be displayed. This is a privacy
concious default to balance between alerting the server admins of all
rooms, and those that are large enough to be of concern.
See configuring protections for a guide on how to configure this protection.
Taking down a room
To takedown a room yourself, you will need to use the !draupnir takedown
command. You will be prompted for confirmation, and will be
required to read the details very carefully.